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Jonathan Snover

NCAA Wants New Rules to Deminish AAU

The National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) is set to recommend changes to the NCAA that would overhaul the summer evaluation period - a three week span in July in which college coaches are allowed to be on site and evaluate top players at shoe company-sponsored events. Basketball Inder Jeff Goodman recently broke the news in a podcast on CLNS Media.

“[NABC] is going to recommend four camps, potentially one in June and one in July,” Goodman said. “These are likely to be paid for by the NCAA and will be held on rotating college campuses.”

The aim is for the NCAA to gain more control over the recruiting process, which would upstage the current “AAU system” where college coaches are allowed to observe shoe company-run “league games” for two weeks in the early spring and a tournament in late July. For example, the Adidas Gauntlet Series (which the Omaha Sports Academy participates in perennially) would no longer exist in the eyes of the NCAA.

“The big thing here, according to sources, that’s likely to happen is that AAU basketball is no more,” Goodman said.

The NABC will propose the changes to the Commission on College Basketball in August.

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